vineri, 31 decembrie 2010

Rulouri a la Demonia

O dată sosit cadoul suedez, am sărbătorit tot în stil nordic, cu o reţetă găsită pe blogul Demoniei, lövbiffs rullader, pe care am redenumit-o rulouri a la Demonia. Aveţi nevoie de vreo zece felii de carne tăiată subţire, muştar, sare, piper, brânză, smântână, ceapă, ulei şi... scobitori.

Feliile de carne se ung cu muştar, se adaugă sare şi piper, se aşază brânza pe carne şi se rulează. Reţeta originală conţinea blue cheese, dar merge şi telemea de vacă.

Se rulează şi se "coase" cu o scobitoare, pe orizontală. Reţeta originală conţinea şi un rockstar tatuat, la fel de priceput cu bassul ca şi cu ustensilele de bucătărie. Cum n-am avut aşa ceva, a trebuit din nou să improvizez.

Aşa că ne-am descurcat cu ce am avut. În paralel, caşcavalul a fost ras pentru cartofii gratinaţi folosiţi drept garnitură.

Se prăjesc rulourile în ulei.

Se rumenesc pe ambele părţi.

Când sunt gata, se adaugă smântână pe deasupra şi se mai lasă puţin. Se mai pot adăuga muştar şi blue cheese, după gust.

Alături se căleşte ceapa, care se adaugă pe deasupra (cui îi place). Noi am făcut o porţie cu şi una fără...

Se serveşte cu garnitură de cartofi gratinaţi.

Poftă bună!

Câtă vreme Thomas Sabo nu şi-a deschis magazin şi în România, bijuteria o voi căuta cu altă ocazie.

Satan Klaus came from Sweden

With the occasion of the second anniversary of her blog, Demonia organized a contest for her constant followers. Me and my husband were reading the blog for a while, so it wasn’t very hard for us to find the answers. The hardest part was to translate it from Swedish! Here, Google Translate was a very useful tool.

I was sure that Paul will win the big prize and I was proud when I read that he was “Vinnare med hästlängder”. His arguments are always his strongest advantages. We decided to compete mostly for fun, but we were happy that we could add a new T-shirt to the evergrowing metal collection.

In a typical Swedish morning, the prize arrived. It just started to snow seriously, for the first time in this winter. We had to make our way in the snow to the postal box, in order to get the envelope.

All the family members were very excited about the present. Soon, we lost the battle against the kids. But they also started their own struggle: whose claws will open it?

After a short catfight, the European cat won against the Persian. He put his paws on the envelope and he stood prowd on top of it, as a glorious Viking. Only a kitty breakfast persuaded him to give us the envelope back.

On the back of the envelope there was written Ahlens City. A name that brought us pleasant memories - in a similar shop, located in Gothenburg, we bought the first Tiamat CD on Swedish soil, back in 2003. But this time, another band’s merchandise was inside. A good occasion to play the two Necrophobic CDs that we have: “Hrimthursum” (bought also in Sweden, in 2007) and “Death To All” (in Paris, 2010).

Everybody in the family wanted to try out the T-shirt. Of course, the cats were first - they always are. But Iuly the Persian was a bit disappointed: it was not his size. Although, he liked the colour and the design - he’s a true metalcat with exquisite tastes!

The other T-shirts also received well the newcomer. The new member of the Necrophobic family stood proud among the other size S T-shirts.

Fomi the European cat also came to try out the gift. But it wasn’t his size either, so he let us have it.

Our T-shirt collection has a new member, the one we so much longed for.

Finally, here is the picture of the proud owner. He’s happy to have his own Necrophobic T-shirt. We were looking for such a L size T-shirt for a long while. We went as far as to Paris for this, but we had no luck there. It was the best ending of a another metal year!

duminică, 26 decembrie 2010

miercuri, 1 decembrie 2010

S-a lansat berea "Steaua"

FC Steaua a lansat, miercuri, în cadrul unei conferinţe de presă, berea "Steaua", la o săptămână după ce oficialii stelişti au lansat şi "Cola Steaua".